We all need a good night’s sleep to stay healthy. Our pooches sleep approximately 12 to 18 hours a day. If your house is anything like mine, I find my dogs asleep in various places around the house – our bed, the sofa or even their own bed occasionally. 

However, is your dog’s bed providing the right level of support and comfort? Have you ever slept on an uncomfortable bed, getting up in the morning sore and grumpy – our pooches are the same. So, what do we buy them as the choice is endless? Hard or soft? Mattress or basket? Things to consider are:

  1. Your dog’s needs, their age/weight/breed or any health issues.
  2. Choose your mattress/base cushion wisely. Is it supportive enough? Especially if your dog is getting older (and wiser), their bones & joints will need more support as they age. Memory foam is a good start.
  3. Is the cover easy to remove & wash?
  4. Is it large enough? Can they stretch out fully without falling off? 
  5. Bed on a slippy floor – place a mat in front of it so they have a good grip to navigate getting in & out safely.
  6. Do you have an anxious dog? Consider a doughnut bed or cave bed for extra security. 
  7. If you like a basket-type bed for your dog to snuggle in – make sure it’s also big enough so they can stretch out or loll over the sides for maximum relaxation.
  8. Curved hard-backed dog bed? Don’t buy it. Got one already – recycle it! This type of bed restricts your dog from stretching out and has a negative impact on its musculoskeletal system.

My top tip this week is to sit on your dog’s bed – is it comfy? Could you sleep on it for prolonged periods? If not, upgrade it – they deserve it for providing all that unconditional love. Night Night.

Thank you for reading today’s article.

Louise James, Momentum Clinical Canine Massage

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