I saw a video on Facebook this week. A lady was holding a Labrador adolescent puppy on her lap (one of the gentlest dogs ever) and kissing him on the lips! She kept on kissing even when the puppy moved his head away and tried to get free. It was obvious that the puppy was not happy but the human persisted. Can you guess what happened next? Yes, the puppy bit the lady. Not only did he bite, he went for her. Ridiculous!
Let’s think then, does a dog understand what a kiss is? No, it doesn’t because it is a human trait to pucker up and place a smacker on the lips. Just because we humans intend it as a show of affection, it doesn’t mean the dog will take it that way.
Dogs are not keen on face-to-face contact at the best of times, remember that most dogs like to meet another dog side on – and they’re the same species. So, putting our face directly into theirs is confrontational. To be honest I wouldn’t like another human to come up to me and shove their face in mine, let alone kiss me! No matter how it was intended and I’m a very touchy-feely person!
Dogs are very protective over their personal space. They tolerate us kissing them on the head and fussing them all over but again this is a human interaction trait that we do. I know LJ tolerates me doing it but still, I don’t push it. I always approach side on, give a pat etc and sometimes she’ll wag and move in for affection, other times she will move her head away. I respect whatever she tells me.
Dogs do understand affection. They will show their affection by wagging their tail, coming over to you leaning in, jumping in your lap and even giving you a lick. Occasionally, if I’m lucky and LJ is in an especially affectionate mood she will move her head towards me and gently lick then nibble my nose. What a joyous day that becomes.
Don’t get me wrong, some dogs may enjoy receiving a kiss if they are trained/taught what it means – i.e. that it is something non-threatening – otherwise, it might cause stress or anxiety and we know what that may cause if left unidentified – a bite!
The big question is…………..
Do you kiss your dog on the lips?
Me – No! I have never done this as I think its gross. I know what/where LJ has been licking/eating/nibbling in the last 20 minutes and I’ve not even mentioned worms yet– errggghhhh!!!
So if you do – will you continue? Hmmmmmmmmmm!!!!
Thank you for reading,
Lou xx