The day I got shin splints and ate Spanish French toast.
16.5 miles, 38k steps, 26km
I spent most of the day walking side by side with Rachel. We were non stop talking and covered all sorts of topics. It’s good to talk!
Julie was on a mission as usual. It’s a bit like the tortoise and the hare. Julie races ahead all full of energy in the morning whilst Rachel and I plod at our own pace. By lunchtime, we have usually caught up with Julie and get to our final destination shortly before she does.
The terrain today was ups and downs but the weather was lovely and cool. We walked through lots of mist l, ancient bridges and sleepy villages until we got the town of Melide.
When you have spent lots of time in the country it’s quite a shock to walk through a bustling town with markets, cars hooting, people shouting etc. It’s just too much noise and you crave the quiet of the woods.
We met up with our friend Ana who has a bad knee, and we spotted pilgrims that we knew from the start of our journey. It’s great to see some familiar faces as there are so many new pilgrims on the trail. Many pilgrims walk from Sarria to Santiago (last 110 km). All of these pilgrims have brand new rucksacks, no tan and they smell good when they walk by. Rachel and I look at each other and say quietly “new pePeregrino
We saw no end of cows, crop tomb things, quiet woods and my little robin joined us today.
We are only a few days until Santiago! Should be there by Wednesday!!