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“You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could’ve, would’ve happened… or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move on.”
Tupac Shakur
This week’s Podcast in a Nutshell:-
This week’s podcast in a nutshell:-
As many of you know, we started this podcast as a way of giving something back to our walking club members who decided to continue to support our club through this very difficult time. Twelve weeks on and we are now out walking again, albeit in smaller groups.
Next week’s podcast will be the last one in this season (yes, we may ignite it again at a later date) but I just wanted to say a huge thank you, not just to the guests who have appeared on the show, but a massive thanks to Nigel Banister, whose idea it was to produce a podcast in the first place. Nigel had the idea of Janet & John, which was inspired by Terry Wogan and from this, new characters were born. We love both Janet & John and Derek & Doreen. I can’t see this being the end, because we really want to know what happens to all four characters – it’s like a mini soap opera. But for now, we will be taking a short break. Love you guys!
Onto the show!
This is a show for those who love everything to do with the outdoors, backpacking, hiking and of course walking. Hopefully, we have something for everyone in each episode. So without further ado, let me explain the contents of this week’s show.
- We always start the podcast with a bit of a quiz in the form of “guess the sound”. We have another difficult sound this week, with a weird clue! Those of you who lived through the ’80s may get it!
- Segment two continues with the adventures of Janet & John’s latest antics and this week John is giving out stile tips! But what sort of stile?
- Segment number three is an interview with husband and wife team Karen & Colin Roberts. They took a year out from their busy lives and travelled the world!
- The fourth segment is an education slot. This week I will be telling you about three of my favourite YouTubers to watch for backpacking and hiking.
- We then end the show with Derek & Doreen who spot a UFO in Northamptonshire!
So, without further ado, let’s get this show on the road, and see if you can guess this week’s soundbite. I did promise a bit of a clue. Rather than give you some facts, all I will say is “hard on the outside soft on the inside!” – Harry Enfield!
1. Darwin on the Trail – click here
2. Paul Messner – click here
3. Dixie / Homemade Wunderlust – click here
See you next week!
Remember to Get Outside, Get Inspired and Go Take A Hike!