If it’s hot for us, it’s definitely hot for our dogs. Don’t just think temperature though – it’s all about humidity too!
Top tips for keeping your dog cool are:
- Don’t shave/clip your dog’s coat off. They need this vital part to keep cool, and prevent sunburn & skin cancer! Amazing yes?
- Use cool mats/coats /fans.
- Wet towels with cold water and lie them on the floor.
- Provide plenty of water – add an ice cube to the water to keep it cool.
- Provide frozen treats (not ice cubes) for them to lick away at. Freeze Kongs with softened kibble, peanut butter etc inside.
- Provide shade – close curtains etc to keep inside your house cool.
- Don’t whatever you do leave your dog in your car when its sunny – your car can heat up incredibly quick.
- If you need to walk them – only at the coolest times of the day.
- Know the signs of heat stress/heat stroke
Thank you for reading today’s article.
Louise James, Momentum Clinical Canine Massage