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“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light” – JK Rowling
- Soundbite – an animal found in warmer climates
- Derek & Doreen experience their first walking induction and round-robin.
- Interview with Sue Ferrie who talks about walks in the UK.
- Education slot – a Film about an 83-year-old lady called Edie who climbs a mountain in Scotland.
- Janet & John – this week they learn a new word… goo!
Hello everybody and a very warm welcome to episode 2 of the Adventure Geek Podcast. This is a show for those who love everything to do with the outdoors, backpacking and hiking. Hopefully, we have something for everyone in each episode. Let me explain the segments of the show.
#1 – We always start the podcast with a bit of a quiz in the form of “guess the sound”. This will be the sound of an animal, bird, or something to do with the outdoors. I will give you a bit of a clue, but the answer will be revealed at the end of the show.
#2 – The second segment continues with the adventures of Derek & Doreen and they experience their first Adventure Geek induction and round-robin!
#3 – Each episode I interview someone who has something to share about the outdoors. Perhaps it’s a trail they have walked, an outdoors hobby or knowledge about wildlife, plants, or geology. If you know someone who would like to be interviewed then please message me at This week we have Sue Ferrie, who shares with us stories of various adventures, including how her family climbed the Miners track up Snowdon when her son had two broken arms!
#4 – The fourth segment will be the education slot. This may be an app, a gadget, or a resource to share with you. Something related to the outdoors.
5 – We then end the show with Janet & John. This week the pair are introduced to the group, they realise who Julia’s henchman is, and learn a new word… goo!
So, without further ado, let’s get this show on the road, and see if you can guess this week’s soundbite. I did promise a bit of a clue, so this animal is not a native English animal and is often found in warmer climates.
The answer to the soundbite will be revealed at the end of the podcast. Over to Nigel for this week’s episode of Derek & Doreen.
Thanks, Nigel. If you have been on an Adventure Geek walk then you can probably relate to some of these tales. I think Nigel should be conducting all new starter briefings from now on as he does it so well!
I am now going to transition over to this week’s interview with Sue Ferrie. Sue is an experienced walker and her joy out the outdoors shines through in this little chat.
I am now going to transition over to this week’s interview with Sue Ferrie. Sue is an experienced walker and her joy out the outdoors shines through in this little chat.
Thanks for your time Sue, it is very much appreciated. We will certainly add your East Northants walk to our collection once this lockdown is all done and dusted.
As we are allowed out to play for our daily dose of exercise, I thought I would share with you some ideas each week to keep you (and your kids) occupied whilst out and about.
As we can’t get outside, I thought I would share a good film to watch that is available on Amazon Prime (link in the show notes) called Edie. It is a thoroughly motivating story of an 83-year-old lady who has not given up on life, even though her daughter thinks she should be in a retirement home. Soon after her controlling husband passes away she decides to rekindle her childhood memories and sets out to climb a mountain in Scotland. This is such a lovely film and has something for everyone. It is a fantastic storyline, but the scenery is amazing, and it also showed how far backpacking gear has improved in the last 50 or so years!
Before we go into our finale with “Janet & John goes walking” I would like to reveal the soundbite answer from the beginning of the show. For those of you who guessed a camel, you would be right!
We are going to end the podcast with the amazingly talented Shiny Shoes as he reads the lates Janet and John adventures. Over to you John.
Thanks, John – I look forward to these each week.
As I draw the podcast to a close, I would like to leave you with this final thought from the famous author JK Rowling.
“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light”
Brilliant, can’t wait for the next one and def. going to watch, ‘Edie’… thank you xx
It’s a fantastic movie Sue – enjoy.
Well done – enjoyed listening to Sue’s adventures. I have seen the film Edie and it looks a lovely place to walk – and Sheila Hancock did actually walk the whole way – fabulous!