“The secret to getting the results that last is never to stop making improvements. It is remarkable what you can build if you just don’t stop. It’s remarkable the business you can build if you don’t stop working.  It’s remarkable the body you can build if you don’t stop training. It’s remarkable the knowledge that you can build if you don’t stop learning. It’s remarkable the fortune you can build if you don’t stop saving. It’s remarkable the friendships you can build if you don’t stop caring. Small habits don’t add up, they compound. Tiny habits = remarkable results” – James Clear, Atomic Habits

I finished the book, Atomic Habits by James Clear yesterday and it was at that point the penny dropped and I found myself changing my focus word for 2025.  I like to start my life planning day with a word that helps me achieve my goals for the upcoming year.  Last year was the word “Inspire” and I think I nailed that one.  I was really stuck for a focus word this year and found myself typing into Chat PGT “What focus word should I choose for 2025?” and up came some words that looked perfect.  But, a life plan can’t be written by AI.  It needs to come from the heart and be authentic.  So after sleeping on it and re-reading the plan I wrote at Whittlebury Hall this week and then listening to James Clear talking about building habits, I settled on the word “re-build”.  For me, 2025 is a time for growth, ambition and building a new life.  

Before I share my thoughts and intentions for 2025, I always like to ponder on the last 12 months.  To this end, I ask myself three questions:

Q1 – What went well this year?

I’ve had a frigging awesome year, even though it has been one of the toughest times I’ve ever had.  I have navigated many stressful blips, including coping with menopause, health issues (and realising how vulnerable that makes me), buying a new home and leaving the financial security of married life to venture off into the world on my own. I survived and thrived.  I have the best relationship with my daughter than I have ever had and am blessed with a huge support network around me with people who love me. I’ve travelled to some incredible places this year which has kept my inner wanderlust satisfied, and I have ventured off in my Campervan whenever the mood takes me.  My business is doing well, and the launch of the social club has also given me (and others) the chance to experience new things.  Who thought I would be going Axe Throwing or playing Golf Frisbee at the age of 53!  Going through all my goals for 2024, I achieved 86% of them, so that’s not too bad.

Q2 – What didn’t go so well this year?

As I was working through my life plan, the only account I struggled with is “Intellectual and Personal Development”.  I have always been into self-development and I usually have some sort of book on the go.  Whether it is learning about leadership in business or thru-hiking, I am usually immersed in some sort of learning, but this year I have hardly done anything.  I passed my mental health qualifications, and I also re-qualified as an outdoor first aider, but that’s about it.  I haven’t read many books or listened to podcasts which I want to change for 2025.

Q3 – What did I learn?

I learned that it is ok to be vulnerable and it is ok to ask for help.  There is no shame in accepting help from other people and they can be quite offended if you decline.  On the domestic front, I learned that I can cook (those of you in my “What’s for Dinner” WA group will smile at that).  I have learned lots of new things such as “MoneyBox” – is a great little system for saving each month and Google Nest is awesome for keeping your heating bills low.  There is an endless list but I have enjoyed the learning curve and I absolutely love my little home.

Life plan for 2025

For those of you who don’t know, I tend to follow a structure which is loosely built on the book Living Forward by Michael Hyatt.   I publish my goals every year (although I don’t think I did them last year).  So here goes:-

FOCUS WORD FOR 2024 = Rebuild

This is the year for me to start rebuilding my life.  I have already put the foundations down, but now it is time to flourish.  In business and in my personal life.  Let’s move the needle in the right direction, one step at a time.

Priorities (most people chose between 5-12 life accounts).  I have nine.  The structure for each account is an inspirational quote, a purpose statement, envisioned future, drift score and then specific commitments.  I won’t publish the whole of my life plan here otherwise you will be here all day, but this will give you a glimpse into my thoughts and ideas for 2025.

What matters most, in priority order?

  1. Me – Self Care, Good well-being and health (mental and physical)
  2. Me – intellectual and personal development
  3. Me – Love and happiness
  4. Rachel
  5. Close family
  6. Friends
  7. Adventure/Travel
  8. Work & Finance
  9. Building a home.

Account 1: Self Care

“Self-care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what’s left of you”

Purpose Statement, My “why”

I intend to put myself first and look after my mental and physical well-being so that I have the strength and motivation to inspire others.

Specific Commitments for my self-care account for 2025:

With the focus word of “Rebuild” in mind. here are my specific commitments for this account.

  • I will rebuild new routines for both morning and bedtime, to be set up and running by the 6th of January 2025.
  • I will build the mantra “kindness over chaos” into my life.
  • We only have one body and I need mine more than most to keep my business going, so I need to look after it.  I will abstain from alcohol and build a resistance to drinking by removing temptation and I will do the same for food.  Rather than grabbing the biscuit tin, I will keep the fruit bowls topped up.  Fruit will be in the lounge and the kitchen so that it is an easy thing to reach for.   This is a new way of life, not just a goal.
  • I was given a cookbook for Christmas, so I will cook at least one new thing from this book once a month.   I will also buy a vegetable steamer by the end of January.
  • I learned a valuable lesson from 2024 as I injured myself by overdoing it.  I am usually setting goals for exercise, but this year I am going to listen to my body. I have a big adventure planned for October so I need to make sure I am fit and healthy for this trip, but my day job keeps me at a good level of fitness, so I won’t overdo it.   I will always park at the bottom car park at Tescos, wash my car and van by hand, do extra walks when the mood takes me etc – these little things all help with physical health.
  • I will read before bed as this also helps me with my sleep routine and NOT delve into scrolling social media. I use the mindful focus option on my phone.
  • I will keep my coffee intake to a minimum and not drink coffee after 1 pm.
  • Finally, for my self-care and mental well-being I will continue with my daily meditation, journaling and the attitude of keeping toxic people out of my life.   

Account 2: Intellectual and personal development

Those who seek a better life must first become a better person –  Jim Rohn.

Purpose Statement, My “why”

The purpose of the intellectual and personal development account is to ensure that I have the knowledge and skillset to help others in my chosen fields. These include the great outdoors, good mental well-being, and business / personal growth.

Specific Commitments for my intellectual and personal development account for 2025:

With the focus word of “Rebuild” in mind. here are my specific commitments for this account.

  • Reading – I am pleased to say that I have read 26 books in 2024, and my goal was 24, so that is a bonus.  The launch of the AG book club has certainly helped with my goals and I am reading books that I would never have considered reading in the past.  My goal for 2025, will be 25 books.  
  • I will build the habit of listening to a minimum of one inspiring book a month.  This could be an autobiography or self-development.  I am a fan of Simon Sinek, Cal Newport, Joe Pulizzi, and various others.  I spend a lot of time in the car, so make the most of this opportunity and build this habit.
  • I will start the ball rolling to become a counsellor for SHOUT.  Building this new skill will not only help those who need help but also give me a new skillset which will help those in the club.
  • In 2025 I will launch juliadoherty.com (I bought the domain a few years ago). I have a plan for this business, but 2025 will be to build its foundations which will be a learning curve.

Account 3: Love and Happiness

“When I was 5 years old my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life.  When I went to school they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.  I wrote down “happy”.  They told me that I didn’t understand the assignment and I told them that they didn’t understand life” – John Lennon.

Purpose Statement. My “why” 

The purpose of this account is to be happy and to have an attitude of gratitude as a natural way of life.  To be positive every day and to spread my love of living your best life with my network of family, friends, colleagues and online community. .

Specific Commitments for my love and happiness account for 2025:

  • In all honesty, this account is one of my strongest accounts and there is not much to build upon. Perhaps I will find a new man in my life during 2025, but I am actually more than happy on my own, but never say never.
  • What keeps me happy is living a simple life which is summarised by one word “love”.  I love my daughter, family, friends, my business, my adventures and my little home.
  • I now appreciate, more than ever, that what you put into any relationship is what you get out of it.  So I will continue spending regular time with Rachel, my mum, brother and my friends.
  • I will be more “present” on the AG walks and I will keep on top of the maintenance of my little home.

Account 4: Rachel

The greatest legacy we can leave our children is happy memories – Og Mandino

Purpose Statement. My “why” 

The purpose of this account is to be the best mum that I can be until the day that I die.  To be there for Rachel during her successes in life, and to hold her hand when things are not going so well.  To ensure that I do not take our relationship for granted and that I invest time to listen and offer support.

I will not publicise the specific commitments for this account as it effects more than just me.

Account 5: Close Family

I love my family because they are always there for me, even in my most fragile moments. – Gugu Mona

Purpose Statement. My “why” 

Family is important and it is easy to let the months and weeks slip by without communication with my mum or my brother.  The purpose of this account is to make sure that I show an interest in my close family’s life.  To show support and encouragement and to let them know that they are in my thoughts on a regular basis.

Again, I will not publicise the special commitments for this account as it effects more than just me.

Account 6: Friends

Real friends are the ones you can count on no matter what. The ones who go into the forest to find you and bring you home.  And real friends never have to tell you that they’re your friends – Muhamid Ali

Purpose Statement: My why

My purpose of for this account is to nurture friendships with just a few close friends.  We will support each other through good times and bad and create lots of experiences together for the memory bank.

I will not publish specific commitments for this account.

Account 7: Adventure

“Fill your life with adventures, not things. Have stories to tell, not stuff to show.”

Purpose Statement: My why

There is a whole world out there and this is something that I feel compelled to explore.  I am not talking about your regular holidays such as Disneyland, but I want to see different cultures and experience some of the worlds beautiful scenery.  Adventure is not just about travel, it’s about exploring new things and new embracing new experiences.

Specific Commitments for my adventure account for 2025:

  • Life has been an adventure in 2024, but not in a way that I usually have adventures!  Now that I am settled, it is time to get back to exploring and taking time for me.
  • Flights are booked for one hell of an adventure as I dust off my tent with my good friend Rebecca and head for the Mallorca mountains in October 2025.  I am beyond excited.  Even as I type this I can feel a fluttering in my chest.   
  • I have many adventures planned with AG in 2025.  The ones I am looking forward to the most are Hot Air Ballooning and Quad biking in Istanbul in April, and then we have a Slovakia trip in September (ropes and ladders are involved).
  • I intend to keep Sid, my Campervan (as long as the insurance isn’t too loopy!), and take myself off with friends to go on some festivals and weekends away.

Account 8: Work & Finance

It’s not about ideas, it’s about making ideas happen.  The future really does depend on what you actually do today.

Purpose Statement: My why

My work and financial situation is super important to me, especially as I am now on my own and my income puts food in my belly and a roof over my head. As long as I am being challenged, work does not feel like work and I can pay the bills, then all is good in the world.  The purpose of this account is to keep me on track and make sure that I do not enter the drift stage.

Specific Commitments for my  business/work account for 2025:

  • Julia, you need to make it happen.  Don’t put things off until tomorrow, do it today.  You know what to do, you have the tools, the support and the know-how.  Don’t take anything for granted and work your arse off to make it happen.
  • This account currently has a low score and is probably the most important as I am now supporting myself financially.  Adventure Geek is so much more than just a walking club, and it means a lot to so many people.  I remember looking around the room at the AG Christmas party and realising how many friendships have been made from the club.  I am so incredibly proud of what I have created.  I must keep it going, and with that commitment comes hard work.
  • It is time to rebuild aspects of the business, but there is only me, so I find myself at a crossroads on the path. I have this battle, as the entrepreneur inside of me wants to build the business with expanded areas, perhaps franchise it, bringing on staff to manage the day to day admin (which is a lot of work) but, I know it will take me away from what I love, and that is my love for walking (and I hate managing staff!).  So, after thinking long and hard, and writing lots of pros and cons lists, I have decided that my focus for 2025 will be:
    • I will build the residual income side of things (Map downloads, books, affiliate business, working with other adventure companies etc).
    • I will have a better system to grow my email marketing subscriber list and will not miss a week of publication of the newsletter.
    • I will engage more speaking events.
    • I will focus on my core business which is AG membership.  Building a better system for attracting new members, and also, ensuring we are doing more for retaining members.
    • We launched the social club in 2024 and it has worked extremely well, but I think I probably need to take the reins with this and drive it myself, rather than relying on the kindness of the members. If someone wants to organise an event then that’s brilliant, but there will be some core social events that I will organise each month.
    • The book club has also been a huge success this year and this needs to continue.  I think the process works well for the book club, so if it’s not broke then I won’t try to fix it.
    • Life Planning – my first workshop is 4th January 2025, and I have a few people booked in for 121’s at Whittlebury Hall.  I will see how these go, but a feel that something is bubbling under the surface and perhaps this may be a catalyst for something new in 2025, not just life planning (I have ideas on this which I need to formulate, and may come under the new juliadoherty.com website which I am building.
    • I will gamify a points system which has been created (and is super geeky and I can’t wait to share it with everyone).   March delivery for this one.
    • Fundraising for SHOUT.  I have not done as much for SHOUT in 2024 as I would like.  I think with everything that has gone on this year, it has really been a “Charity starts at home” sort of year for me.  But, with this in mind, I would like to do a treasure hunt in Braunston for our August event, and a Halloween Event in October. I will ask Rachel for her help on this as she is a born events planner!

Specific Commitments – Personal finance 2025:

  • In 2025 I will have a consistent pot of £30k for “rainy day” money.
  • In 2025, I will be frugal, but will curve my spending on things that are not necessary.  Things such as eating out as much as I do (I need to remind myself that I can organise social events, but I don’t have to attend them all!).
  • I need to be wise and not live beyond my means.  If I don’t have it, then don’t spend it and stop dipping into savings to buy crappy gadgets!

Account 9: My Home

I want my home to be that kind of place–a place of sustenance, a place of invitation, a place of welcome.- Mary DeMuth

Purpose Statement: My why

The purpose of this account is to make sure that I still love my home in the years to come.  It needs to be a home, not just a place where I live.  I need to have nice decor, and enjoy each room / environment.  I want a house where I am not embarrassed if someone just drops by for a coffee and I want a warm and inviting house where I can have friends round for dinner and perhaps sit in the garden or the conservatory in the summer months.

Specific Commitments – for my home account 2025

  • By March 2025 I have decorated the front living room and said goodbye to the big horrible red flowers on the wall.
  • By end of Summer (end of August) Rachel’s room / my office, has had a revamp.  By March I have had some quotes to convert my conservatory into an office, which means that the spare room can be a proper bedroom.  The key things that I need in the conservatory is an actual wall, good blinds and heating.  I need to check that the wifi works ok out there as well.
  • I will keep the garden clear of weeds and keep the hedges trimmed throughout the year.
  • By July, I have sorted out both sheds which now have some sort of system and not just a dumping ground.
  • By January 6th I have set up a Wise “jar” for home and maintenance and scheduled a monthly amount to go into this pot.


Well, that is it for 2025.  It’s ok writing it all down but having a process for actually implementing these ideas is what makes things happen.  The big goals have been broken down into smaller steps and I have added these to my CRM system to keep me in check.  For some people, it works to have an accountability partner, for me, my accountability partner is the general public.  I feel that if I have posted my goals for the world to see then I tend to stick with what I have written.  When my goals and intentions are left unpublished it is easy to just put things off for tomorrow.  Whatever works for you then just do it.  Never put things off for tomorrow.

Love you all loads



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