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“All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
This week’s episode in a nutshell:
- Guess the sound – clue: This week’s bird will swallow their prey whole then barf up the carcass!
- Derek & Doreen go shopping for lycra.
- Interview with Alison Snelling, who talks about Mount Everest trip, sailing and personal location beacons.
- Education slot is a new app called WikiCamp – similar to AirBNB but for camping.
- Janet & John spot a fat cow and we are all left wondering what did John pull out of the sweet bag?
- RescueMe Personal Location Beacon –
- Wiki Camps app –
See you next week!
Hello everybody my name is Julia Doherty and a very warm welcome to episode 6 of the Adventure Geek Walking Club Podcast.
This is a show for those who love everything to do with the outdoors, backpacking, hiking and of course walking. Hopefully we have something for everyone in each episode. So without further ado, let me explain the contents of this weeks show.
We always start the podcast with a bit of a quiz in the form of “guess the sound”. This will be a sound of an animal, bird, or something to do with the outdoors. As always, I will give you a bit of a clue before playing the sound, and finish up with some unknown facts about the animal at the end of the show.
Segment two continues with the adventures of Derek & Doreen. This week they go shopping for lycra.
Segment number three is an interview with Alison Snelling. Alison shares her adventures of Mount Everest and also talks about her favourite gadget!
The fourth segment is an education slot. This week I am going to share a newish app with you that helps with finding the perfect campsite.
We then end the show with Janet & John’s latest antics.
So, without further ado, let’s get this show on the road, and see if you can guess this week’s soundbite. I did promise a bit of a clue, so I googled “fun facts about this animal”. Google told me that this particular bird will SWALLOW PREY WHOLE, THEN BARF UP THE CARCASS!
The answer to the soundbite will be revealed at the end of the podcast. Over to Nigel for this week’s episode of Derek & Doreen.
Thanks Nigel. You can’t go beat Montane Into Pro Pants – got to love a bit of Lycra… said Julia!
I am now going to transition over to this week’s interview with Alison Snelling. I loved this interview as Alison takes on on a sailing journey, explains about Personal Location Beacons and enlightens us with her Everest trip!
Thanks for your time today Alison, you were awesome. For our listeners, I have added a link to the RescueMe PLB that Alison mentioned in today’s show notes. As a reminder, it is a one off payment, no monthly subscription, and the battery lasts for 10 years – a great bit of kit if you are venturing a bit further or if you are out on your own. I think Alison’s advice about knowing when to say enough is enough is hugely valuable. Thanks again Alison – you were fab.
Next week we have Lynne Rose from Sailsbury who is going to be talking about her Great Wall of China trip and her general love of walking.
Right, time for this week’s education slot. This week I wanted to let you guys know about a cool little app called WikiCamps. Think AirB&B / camping and you can’t go wrong. This app was originally a French app where people would happily rent their land or garden for the night for people to camp. They have recently released a UK version. This app claims to list the UK’s largest database of campsites, caravan parks, hostels, points of interest, dump stations?, visitor information centres, water taps, toilets, showers, and more. Check it out at – link is in today’s show notes.
Note: Available for iOS & Android phones.
Before we go into our finale with “Janet & John go walking” I would like to reveal the soundbite answer from the beginning of the show. For those of you who guessed an owl, you would be right! Owls do SWALLOW PREY WHOLE, THEN BARF UP THE CARCASS but a few other facts include:-
- Owls can turn their heads almost all the way round – but not quite.
- Owl flight is silent
- They sometimes eat other owls.
- Owls and humans generally get along.
We are going to end the podcast with the amazingly talented Shiny Shoes as he reads the lates Janet and John adventures. Over to you John.
Thanks John – That fat cow!! I love the sound effects… i think! And you had me when we found out the dogs name…. I am curious, what did John pull out of the sweet sack this week? We will have to wait and see…
See you next week!
Remember to Get Outside, Get Inspired and Go Take A Hike!