This beautiful heartwarming tale throws off the shackles of age, challenging the relationships that we have with ourselves and those around us. An inspiring film that tells us it is never too late to reach for your dreams.
Julia’s Review
On a quiet Sunday afternoon, I was having a chat on Facebook Messenger with my best friend Julie. She mentioned, “Have you seen the film, Edie?” Even though we are best friends our taste in books and films often differ quite a lot, but when she continued to describe what this film was about I instantly opened Netflix and for the next 1hr 42 mins my eyes were glued to the TV.
I loved this film for a variety of reasons. Not only was the story a heartwarming one of an elderly (83 yrs old) lady who was not quite yet ready to give up on life (although her daughter was set to put her in a care home!), and was determined to climb a mountain, but the scenery warmed my own soul and made me want to drive to Scotland right now and follow in her footsteps. (I didn’t, but it’s on the list!).
When a film drives your own emotions then you know it is worth watching. I loved seeing how camping gear has changed over the years, and I smiled to myself as we begin to realise that there are more good people in this world than bad.
Highly recommended.