I think we are at the point where other people are probably getting a bit fed up with us talking about the Camino now!  We now have a route planned and some goals set for things that we want to achieve along the way.   In my blog next week I will show the route that we intend to take, and the reasons that we have decided on certain Albergues etc.  But for now, this is how the training is going…

Week 9 – My goal for this week is to accomplish a min of 93k steps and 40 miles.

Monday 21st March – 8762 steps (3.83 miles)

I have set quite a high goal this week, and it has not started out so well as my work has been really hectic.  Today I was rather office bound.  With exception to a morning walk and a quick evening stroll, I did not accomplish what I intended to do – never mind, I have a whole week ahead of me.

Tuesday 22nd March – 12,348 steps (5.13 miles)


A much better day today, although I didn’t do a morning walk, I did manage quite a few steps at work, along with a 3 mile Nordic Walk in the evening.

The daffodils at this time of year are absolutely lovely.  Walking along the towpaths in the Northamptonshire countryside is such a peaceful way to end my hectic day.

Wednesday 23rd March – 10,311 steps (4.74 miles)

FullSizeRenderNot a bad day today and I was quite happy with my steps.  I have not really been anywhere exciting, it has just been my regular walk in the morning and once again in the evening, with a few client visits in between.

Poppy the dog feeling much better today though!

Thursday 24th March – 6510 steps (2.74 miles)

I think it is best if I skip today!  I had zero motivation!  Work has been horrendous and we have not stopped.  I got home around 6.30pm and just vedged out on the sofa.  Sometimes, it’s good to have a “nothing” evening.   Back on it tomorrow!

Friday 25th March – 14,351 steps (5.81 miles)

It is Easter Friday today, and I have agreed to spend time with my husband and daughter this weekend (rather than working!).  Whilst they were still tucked up in bed I joined my Nordic Walking club for a 4.83 mile hike, and this time, I had my full pack on (I need to keep practicing with the weight). It was great!  Quite a few hills, lots of styles to climb, lots of muddy puddles and generally a good walk.

In the afternoon, Matt, Rachel and I spent pruning, painting, mowing and having some good family time together in the garden.  The weather has been absolutely lovely today.



Saturday 26th March – 20,718 steps (8.69 miles)

Today was certainly challenging!  I met Julie about 7.45am, and we took a 6-mile walk, with full packs and poles, around Brackmills Country Park in Northamptonshire.  There were a few hills and it was also a bit windy, but we managed the walk in good time.  

I was on a mission to complete 20k steps, so I went out again in the evening and got caught in a storm!  Looking on the positive, I did find out if my new Craghopper jacket was waterproof or not – yes it was! 

To achieve my goal of 93k steps, I still need to walk over 20k steps tomorrow, and rumour has it that a storm is on its way…


Sunday 20th March -20th – 20592 steps (8.49 miles)1934768_10154239645381159_3608485818260793009_n

Yes!!  I did it!!  This morning I set out to grab a few geocaches, which took me along a canal towpath and over fields.  6 miles and 13 geocaches later I was sitting in the car with a lovely hot cup of coffee!  

Storm?  What storm?  All of the weather apps were wrong, although on my evening walk we did have a sprinkle of rain, which resulted in this amazing double rainbow!

I got to 18k steps and just kept walking around the park until I reached 19k as I knew it was only 1k steps to get home.  I am so glad I persevered, although I think the dog got a bit dizzy! 





Progress chart to date:

  • Week 10 – 92,058 / 38.36 miles
  • Week 11 – 91,613 steps / 37.34 miles
  • Week 12 – 93,396 steps / 40.18 miles

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